Blink Communicate


About Blink Communicate

This is a desktop application to help people with locked in syndrom a disease that completely paralyzes people to be able to communicate through eyeblinks

Blink communicate is based on AI and Computer Vision Technologies To help detect eyeblinks and comprehend them into a special pattern to translate into phrases


While locked in syndrom is a rare diseas, it is evastating. It can cuase total paralysis of all musceles in the body except for eye muscles resposible for allowing a person to blink. It can be caused by car accidents, injuries to the nervous system, and some types of poisioning such as snake bites.

What it is: locked in syndrom can cuase total paralysis of all musceles in the body except for eye muscles resposible for allowing a person to blink

Causes: car accidents, injuries to the nervous system, and some types of poisioning such as snake bites

How Blink Communicate Can Help: This app allows people with this deisease to be able to communicate with their family and freinds by blinking a certain amount of times to output a specific phrase

Demo Video

To see blink communicate in action you can watch the video bellow! If video is not showing up or working use this link:

Privacy Policy

Blink Communicate respects your privacy and we do not collect any personal data. Please know that in order to detect eyes for determining patterns of blinks a camera is required on device

About the Developer

Grace Iordanov is a student from the Seattle Area who is passionate about software developement and AI, in addition to creating Blink Communicate, Grace also developed is BudgetWizz an app to help students around the world learn about personal finance when many schools around the world do not offer personal finance education. Her story with creating innovative solutions has been featured in multiple national news publications. Grace also has earned 5 industry recognized proffessional certificates from IBM in subjects including AI engineering, Data Science and Software Engineering. She is currently creating a generative AI chatbot builder for the Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Team, and she is writing a book on why people should not be afraid of Artificial Intelligence. Grace is currently also taking an undergraduate course on the theory behind Artificial intelligence and computational modeling of the brain using algorithims such as RNNs and DNNs from Harvard University

Tech Specs

Blink communicate requires a computer that runs windows

For optimal performance this app requires a computer with 16 gigabyte RAM or more

Blink Communicate requires camera in order to work
